It happens to everyone...
It's human nature to feel bad sometimes. In fact, I think that the ads and the tv commercials that imply that being all good all the time is the norm are doing us a great disservice. Sure, being happy and excited about life is what we all want, BUT
It doesn't help us to beat ourselves up for the feelings we have that we can't control.
Treat yourself with love and respect. Sometimes, we may not know what or why we are feeling a certain way. During those times, rather than play into a routine (dissolve into sweatpants, get a pint of icrecream, throw on old reruns of Friends and pretend none of this every happened?) why not stop for a moment and really delve into what led you to feel this way.
Often, we'll find that limiting beliefs create the illusion that something is wrong, when in fact, everything is just fine.
A limiting belief is anything which is based on supposed norms, expectations, possibilities, or abilities.
We typically do not know what is a limiting belief and what is a real obstacle unless we have the presence of mind to question what we think and feel, but many people live with these false boundaries all their lives.
People get swept up by the emotion, not realizing that the emotion is a sign post saying, "Please look at this..!"
So, when you find yourself feeling upset, think - really think - about what got you there. And then question yourself, "Am I feeling low because I think I should be other than I am? And if so, why do I think that?"
You may be surprised to find that you are putting alot of pressure on yourself. Does that mean that we shouldn't work at changing or reaching for other things? No. But you'll be a lot more energized and excited if you don't pummel yourself any time you feel you aren't stacking up.
Here's some ways to get out of feeling sad:
1. Shake it off - when we move the body and breathe, we can often find renewed energy to work with.
2. Affirm to yourself - I am a creative being living and growing at my own pace. I respect the rate at which things happen, and I am grateful for the work I do every day.
3. A great rule to live by - if you're tired, rest; if you're hungry, eat; if you're sad, cry; if you're angry, scream (into a pillow preferably) ; if you're energized, run; if you're happy, dance.
So dance, and feel happy, because it all is ok or it will be soon.
- by Christine