And why You Should Try It!

Furthermore, it is likely that you are stressed more often than not. We want to help you relax as we enter the new year, and so in the coming weeks, we'll be spotlighting our hypnotherapy audio downloads. We offer many different guided hypnotherapy sessions that help to relax you and change the script in your mind to help you do something better. We all have repetitive thoughts, but little do we realize that these repetitive thoughts are often the building blocks for our perspective of the world.
Hypnotherapy helps to change these thoughts and thus, change our perspective for the better. You can use hypnotherapy to help you with a variety of goals, it's really very powerful. Various scientific studies (some of which are listed below) have shown that hypnotherapy can help you to heal faster, relax, aid in pain relief, and more!
While we are avid believers in the power of hypnotherapy to affect change, we realize that some people still don't know how or if hypnotherapy works.
Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis, or an altered state of consciousness or trance, to create an open and receptive state of mind that makes it easier to create positive changes in your life. You are aware the whole time during hypnosis - in fact, hypnosis can create a heightened sense of awareness and focus by helping to block out distractions.
As Janice says, we often go into a trance like state multiple times a day. When reading, watching tv, or driving - we may block out other stimuli and focus intently on what we are looking at or reading. This state is characterized by increase suggestibility, imagination, and relaxation. Anytime we are doing any of those activities, and seem to 'lose ourself' in them, we are functionally "hypnotized." Meditation can also have a trance like affect on the meditator, and is heralded as a fantastic way to increase a sense of peace and well being in the practitioner.
Hypnosis and meditation induce similar brain wave patterns. Typically, in our day to day life, we display brain wave patterns called Beta brain waves that are associated with wakefulness and activity. During hypnotherapy, meditation, or anytime we are deeply engaged in a repetitive or soothing task, our brain waves slow down into what is known as Alpha waves, which is associated with sleep, dreaming, or day dreaming.
In a way, a hypnotherapy cd is very much like a guided meditation cd. The only difference is that a hypnotherapy cd may have a specific purpose or focus. In our library of hypnotherapy audio downloads, for example, we offer a session for abundance, another to improve self worth, and another on healing. These recordings will include information on each of these topics that aims to improve your subconscious basic beliefs about them. Hypnosis is more affective than affirmations because the relaxing, trance-like affect of hynposis allows for the information to go into your mind at the subconscious level. Studies have revealed that during hypnosis, the more critical thinking left brain slows activity, and the more feeling, intuitive, and creative right brain increases activity. This implies some support for the idea that hypnotherapy engages the subconscious. (see NY Times article).You can listen to hypnotherapy at any point when you have a good 20 to 25 minutes to sit still undisturbed. But, if this is proving challenging, then put the hypnotherapy audio on before you go to bed and listen to it as you fall asleep. Anything you do right before bed will stay in your mind and can influence your rest. By listening to hypnotherapy as you fall asleep, you ensure a deep and relaxed sleep. This is also why you shouldn't watch a scary of distrurbing movie or have something jarring on in the background when you sleep. The noise or the disturbing images will result in a less restful sleep and can cause anxiety dreams.
While listening to the audio, you can expect to feel drowsy, deeply relaxed, and at peace. People often fall asleep during hypnotherapy, and it’s fine to do so. Your subconscious mind will continue to hear the suggestions even if you are sleeping.
If you are having further second thoughts about the effectiveness of Hynpotherapy, I highly suggest the below studies, and, do your own research as well.
There is a spectrum of susceptibility for hynposis, but everyone can still benefit. The more we surround ourselves with positivity, the better off we are! And 95% of people are able to be induced into the hypsosis state according to a study conducted by Stanford University.
So don't hestitate. Try hynotherapy for yourself! We're currently offering all hypnotherapy downloads at 20% off!
Here are a few studies on hypnotherapy!
- Hypnosis Reduces Pain of Headaches and Anxiety
- Melis PM, Rooimans W, Spierings EL, Hoogduin CA, Treatment of chronic tension-type headache with hypnotherapy: a single-blind time controlled study. Headache 1991; 31(10): 686-9.
- Hypnosis Has a Reliable and Significant Impact on Acute and Chronic Pain
- Hypnosis and clinical pain. Patterson DR, Jensen MP, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA USA 98104 Psychol Bull. 2003 Jul;129(4):495-521.
- Healed 41% faster from fracture
- Harvard Medical School, Carol Ginandes and Union Institute in Cincinnati, Patricia Brooks, Harvard University Gazette Online at
Further Reading For the Interested!