Yep, that's just about how most of us are feeling! We just want to run and hide! We are being pushed and pulled all over the place. Every one of our believes about life and everything in it is getting stomped on by some big buttons these days. The intensity of the energy is off the charts and making it harder for us to relax or even feel somewhat relaxed. Where the hell do we live now? Some alien planet of craziness? it certainly does not feel like anything we have experienced in our life time. Our sensitivity levels are way higher. We are feeling and hearing so much more than ever before. As I have mentioned before, being an empath can be difficult. As we feel so much of others and the world. Although there are many types of empaths, the amount of feeling we experience would be higher than the average person. The thing that is happening that most of us may not be aware of is just how sensitive everyone is becoming. As the vibration rises we are becoming more empathic and telepathic than we have ever been. We are being infected and affected way more than we used to be. The negativity level is on high, along with anger and frustration. We are all sick and tired of being sick and tired! We are tired of doing all the things we don't want to do anymore. We are beating up on ourselves and others for the decisions we have made or continue to make. Doing that same dance around that same bush is getting old. We just don't want to do it anymore!
Add to that we have no time and the time we do have is spent running around trying to accomplish things that need to get done. How did we get so many "need to get done" things. Besides the fact that it seems to take 3 times to do something that used to take a few minutes to accomplish. That happens constantly now. For instance, you call the cable company about your bill. I paid that bill, why is it saying past due. They look up your account, it shows we received your payment, so your all set. New bill comes and it has a past due on it still, you call them back. I don't see where you called before or a payment. Are you joking? If it was just that one thing, we may say "okay" no problem, I will check with the bank, etc, in all my spare time! :) But they are constantly happening. As the saying goes, " If it's not one thing it's another". If it wasn't frustrating enough all these small pain in the ass things that we have to repeatedly take care of, we are experiencing many life changing heart wrenching traumas at the same time. How much can one person take? Is the universe out to get me? Actually no, but hard to believe these last few years. We sure are being pushed right out of our comfort zone to the next level. We want change, but we really only want it when and how we want it, lol. Are changes are coming fast and furious, so we can learn and grow. To do that, first, we need to slow down. The faster you run the less you get done, the more stressed you get, the more mistakes happen, the more frustrated you get, the more things bother you and then we start taking them out on ourselves and each other.
We go to our favorite old programs. Blaming others, feeling taken advantage of, feeling not cared about, feeling something is wrong with us, etc. From a place of exhaustion we are not able to step back and figure out what lessons am I being shown, what it the pattern? How often am I seeing this and experiencing these same feelings? It is in there that you find your believes, the programs you have learned about yourself and others. The way the world around you works. It seems so strange that we all see and experience how we live through our own belief systems, through our own perceptions. Every person has a way that they see and experience things in their life, which is different from others. Of course we all have similar beliefs about many things, but the way we process them, the way they show up for each of us may be very different. A good analogy, there are a lot of people born under each sign of the zodiac, but no two are the same, it is not just your sun sign, there is your rising sign, your moon sign along with many other important aspects that go into doing your horoscope. So although you may be a Pisces, the combination of all the aspects gives you an idea of what you are like, what challenges and strengths you are coming in with. So even if you were born at the same time on the same day as your friend, you could be very different. Your environment, your experiences, your culture, all help form your beliefs and programs. You may have similar strengths and challenges but they may show up very different in your life, similar to our beliefs and programs.
Whether we want to or not we are all here working, now whether you do any work is up to you, hence our free will. If you are working on yourself and trying to understand what your doing here, the bottom line is, moving closer to unconditional love. Seems like that feels kind of far away in these times, the good news, it may not be. As we are growing and changing, as we get pushed further and further, hopefully for each one of us we are working on being our best self. The best person you can be, the kind, caring loving person to yourself and others you came here to work on becoming. Letting go of our past, healing in ways we never thought possible and moving forward with more love and light in our heart! Look at these times as your Masters Degree, your doctorate in healing from our past, so we come from a better more loving place for our future! That is what we are here to help you with on your journey, understanding how you work and ways to heal and overcome. New perspectives to old beliefs that are holding you back. Teaching you about energy and how you are affecting and affected by others. These are not easy lessons, but we can all do this, and it is much easier when we do it together! If you would like help on your journey of self- awareness we are putting together a few group classes. We also do a podcast to give you some insight, you can find that and take a listen on the link below.
In love, Janice