You can also ask them to give you a sign they are there, it can be a song, butterflies, birds, etc, whatever sign feels right to you. Believing they are there is helpful but if you don't believe it isn't necessary to get the sign. Then thank them and just let it go and wait for it to show up. It can happen quickly or take a little time but be watching for it, we tend to miss a lot of the signs even we we asked for them. Your awareness is key, you would be surprised at how often they are trying to tell us something and we don't listen, our intuition is also our angels trying to let us know what is going on, start to trust it. Although we need to ask them for help in a situation, they are connected to each of us and can give you a heads up to something going on.
Another way to connect with them especially if you want to get answers from your angels and guides is to do what some call automatic writing. I usually start people with just writing: What is my message for today? So you can practice. After you feel more comfortable, you can ask more detailed questions. Again, the most important thing when doing this is to call in your high white light angels and guides, loved ones. Get a journal or notebook and make it your angel communication book. It's fun to look back at what they have told you over time. Sometimes we don't understand what they are telling us until later when we go back and see it again. To do this exercise, you sit quietly for a few minutes and take some deep breathes, let your mind and body relax. Make sure you surround yourself in the white light of love and protection and call in your high white light guides, write the question on the paper, what is my message for today? Holding your pen or pencil take a few more deep breathes, and write whatever comes to you, it may only be one word, or sentence or it can be a whole page or more, just keep writing until you feel you are done. Don't worry you will know, it will just stop flowing. A good portion of the time you will not know what you wrote until you go back and read it. It can come out very fast. It takes a little practice to just let it come through you and flow, so relax and enjoy the process of learning how to communicate with your angels and guides.
We have also made a guided mediation to help you connect with your angels, guides and loved ones, it is a great way to get answers to your questions and be with them, it is also a great way to help you relax. You get to meet your spirit guide and be guided to a beautiful healing cottage where you will go in and meet with your angels, guides, loved ones, bath in healing light and ask them questions. It is a meditation that you use over and over again. We have made it available for free on the bottom of the hypnotherapy CD page and on our youtube channel.
As I said earlier, we need all the help we can get as we are going through this transition, connecting with your angels and guides will help you understand more about yourself, what is happening and give you comfort on those tough days when it feels so overwhelming we just want to give up. May you feel the light and love of your angels and guides with you always
In love - Janice