A Major Component of Janice's Work Is Her Hypnotherapy Sessions...
But Does It Work?

When she handed me a hypnotherapy CD to help improve Self-Worth, I was indifferent. I was open to it, but I certainly didn't run home and throw it right on. I think it took me a few weeks before, after a reminder from Janice, I finally took a listen.
The intro to the hypnotherapy sessions recommend that before you begin, you make free time to listen in a quiet place and that you set yourself up comfortably without any distractions or responsibilities for alertness- aka. don't drive a car and listen to hypnotherapy.
I had been told that before going to sleep was a good time to listen, so I got into my pajamas and popped on the cd, and climbed into bed. The soothing music began to play, Janice's calming voice began to speak, and before I knew it; I was asleep.
This cycle repeated itself over and again. I was so relaxed by the cd that I had never actually heard the end of it consciously until several months after I began to listen to it. So what was the deal? And what was it doing, if anything, while I slumbered?
Research shows that even while we are asleep, our ears remain active. Our brains still register auditory stimuli, and this can impact the depth of our sleep, and how well rested we are.
If you often feel like you sleep a good 8 hours, but are still waking up feeling exhausted, noise may be the culprit.
In fact, research has linked traffic noise and chronic bad sleep with cardiovascular disease.
Obviously, our body still registers the sounds we hear during the night, whether we are actively aware of them or not. Regardless, and my situation aside, what does hypnotherapy actually do for our bodies and minds?
First we must understand what hypnotherapy is. The cut and dry definition of hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis for therapy. Ok. So then we must ask, what is hypnosis? Hypnosis is an induction of a trance or dream like state in which the subject is highly susceptible to suggestion. We've all heard the stories of the man who would act like a chicken when a master hypnotist snapped their fingers, but this spectacle doesn't necessarily suggest therapeutic value and can scare people to believe that hypnosis is scary and can control you. Actually, you would never do anything you would not normally do. If someone gave you a suggestion to "rob a bank," for instance, unless you're a bank robber, you would not do it. You are just in a relaxed, deeper state of mind, which makes it easier for you to make changes.
What most of us don't know is that at least 80% of the time our beliefs and programs are running our lives.
Most of us really do not know what we believe, but we can start to see our beliefs by looking at the patterns that show up in our lives. To really change these beliefs, we need to change them from the place where they are stored and running to begin with: our subconscious mind.
During a hypnotherapy session, the hypnotherapist helps you to become very relaxed, and then will suggest concepts to you. If you are struggling with self-worth, for example, she might suggest that you are a worthy, confident, and capable individual.
When we say "beliefs," we don't mean spiritual or religious beliefs. The idea is that our minds create our reality. You can be the most independent, capable and worthy person in the world, but if you are always thinking that you aren't any good; that's the reality you will live in. That's a belief. You'll make decisions from that place, and constantly sabotage or under value yourself because you don't actually believe you can do it. The idea is that if we can change the script your mind is playing, then you may begin to see examples of how worthy and capable you are when those experiences come up. Perhaps you begin to see opportunities that were always there but that you didn't recognize as viable options before. Much more is open to you, because you began to use the up-till-this-point cobweb infested parts of your mind that said you were worth a damn.
Janice often says that one of the major benefits of hypnotherapy is that it helps to re-wire your brain. If you've always had low self-worth then that means you've created a bridge between any sort of criticism, rejection, or disapproval as a reflection of who you are and what you are capable of.
Eventually you may begin to see that criticism, rejection, and disapproval in advance, as a sort of inevitability.
It is here that we come to a crossroads, and we begin to shift from a place of perception to a place of creation. We begin to create the experience of rejection and the feeling of unworthiness even though it is essentially only in our minds. You begin to live from this cycle. Many arguments stem from this inevitability of response. People foresee criticism when it isn't there, and project their own fears on the other person's actions. It's really quite amazing what we do.
One experience can fit into many different interpretations. Hypnotherapy allows our mind to experience, while in an open and relaxed state, the other possibilities and helps change your old beliefs that have been keeping you stuck, repeating the same reactions and experiences.
So, if you're feeling like you may need assistance in any particular area; whether it be anxiety reduction, weight loss, smoking reduction, creation of abundance, etc. then I highly suggest hypnotherapy. It will help you see the other possibilities, and at the very least is very relaxing. Studies currently have shown that hypnosis can be effective for a range of issues from pain management to anxiety reduction. The effectiveness will depend, of course, from person to person and from hypnotist to hypnotist.
My own experience with hypnotherapy and listening to the cds was highly positive. It seemed to help me relax, get to sleep faster, and definitely encouraged me to wake up on the right side of the bed. That, coupled with my ongoing sessions with Janice, and the work I'm doing to 'change my mind' has really helped me make better choices for myself and feel happier. If you have anything to add to this, please feel free to comment below!
If you want to try out one of Janice's hypnotherapy sessions, you can see this one on youtube!
Hypnotherapy audio downloads are available here.
For more info or to hear Janice's unique perspective on solving the world's problems, check out our podcast, How to Survive Earth School, available on Soundcloud or Itunes!