There seems to be A Strange Outbreak, Do You Have The Symptoms?

"Whenever I see a trend especially as much and as often as I have with this one lately. It is a heads up to pay attention, these lower energy entities are working overtime to keep us stuck in negativity. Although Entities are not a new phenomenon in our line of work. The number and frequency of them, however, is certainly way more than I have ever experienced. What accounts for this dramatic shift? It feels like a great way to get in the way of our ascension, as the vibration is getting higher and higher and we are shifting into new ways and awareness, there are lower energies that really want to try and stop us from this change," Janice said.
There seems to be a predictable trend for the entities that we are seeing. There are some that are causing chaos, so the others can attach more easily to us. The only way for them to attach is when we are overwhelmed, stressed out, over tired, and are vibration is lowered. The way Janice describes it is that there are a few different types of entities. Some don't really have higher consciousness. These just follow their instinct, almost like an insect whose main goal is just to sustain itself. There are some who are more highly conscious who know what they are doing and try to actively lower your vibration. Finally, there are regular spirit entities, which are more like passed on spirits who've been stuck on this plane. The ones we are seeing often now are the ones who are more like parasites, whose presence makes you think and feel more negatively. When many things happen at once, and we begin to feel overwhelmed, entities may be circling around us creating the feeling of pressure, foreboding, and anxiety that takes our concerns to the next level. If you typically are pretty cool under pressure, and all of the sudden something you would normally be able to manage without too much effort is making you pull your hair out; you may have some energetic parasites working against you.
Once you feel overwhelmed, stressed, depressed or sad, the entities break into your energy field, attaching themselves to particularly weak areas (have you been feeling emotional? Maybe they'd attach to your stomach. Feeling like you can't speak your mind, perhaps your throat then). This is important because people often start to feel aches or pains in this area. If you have developed a backache out of nowhere that is persistent but hard to diagnose; it may be that is because the thing causing it is not visible to the naked eye.
Why do energy parasites do this? Well, like their more 3D cousins, parasites require a host to thrive. It's not that they are particularly nefarious or anything; they are just doing what they know how to do. They need energy to live, and you happen to have some. So they look for or create ways to attach to you.
The effect of this is that you may feel overtired, drained or just plain off. Well, of course you do, because your energy is being diverted to something else without your knowledge!
These things are often strange looking, but they aren't very threatening when you get down to it. They often take the appearance of leeches, crustaceans or snails, or may even look like odd bug-like things.
So how do you check for entities?
Before your imaginations run wild, while this may seem scary; it really isn't. Think of parasite removal of your body the same as you would for your garden. You have a pest? It's not a big deal, you just have to get the right tools to get rid of it, and protect the garden with additional security measures in the future.
Ways People Have Known They Have a "Stowaway":
- sudden or drastic change in behavior, especially behaviors leaning towards self-sabotage.
- suddenly feeling more tired, negative, or anxious without any real reason behind it.
- seeing an entity in a dream or visualization.
- having unexplainable persistent ache or pain.
- a low grade constant feeling of fear or feelings of being stuck.
- avoidance of an empath, psychic and/or healers
- feeling "under attack."
- a memory, even from long ago, of feeling that something else was there.
- being drawn to things you wouldn't normally be drawn to (ex: drugs, alcohol, harmful behavior)
If you are experiencing one or more of these issues, you may have some sort of an energetic attachment. Let's find out with the following:
Exercise to Help Discover "Stowaways"
Sit in a quiet place.
Imagine yourself surrounded in the white light of love and protection.
Call in your high white light angels, guides, masters and loved ones.
Mentally locate the ache, pain, feeling of fear, or anxiety and confront it. Ask yourself the following and listen for the answers. They will come immediately and they will feel almost instinctual.
- Is this me?
- Is this an energy attachment?
- Is this an entity?
- Is this a spirit that needs help passing on?
Let the answers come. If you feel like the source is something other than you, please contact us to schedule an entity removal. Remember, that these entities don't really want to be removed and they may try to sabotage you're coming by creating time conflicts, instigating lapses in memory, or other "technical" difficulties. It's important that you have someone who knows what they are doing to help the transition. Just asking the entity to leave gives it permission to attach to someone else, or even you again after time has passed.
If you aren't having difficulty with any of the above symptoms, chances are you are clear. You will want to keep your vibration high, however, to ensure that you stay protected. Common ways to keep your vibration high include meditating, doing yoga, going for walks in beautiful areas, dancing, singing and the like. If you have a bad day, don't stress too much, we all have bad days. If, however, that bad day continues and if you have a habit of turning to drugs or alcohol or other destructive tendencies when you are feeling depressed then maybe consider adding extra protection and scheduling an appointment. These parasite like things tend to be able to attach easier when we are feeling down or have our faculties at a disadvantage, as they are when we drink too much.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]!