Energy Mastery Courses
Have you ever walked into a room and known that the people in it were just having an argument? Have you ever been aware that someone else was really afraid and then begin to feel nervous too? Emerging research into emotional contagions has shown just how attuned our individual psychology is to group consciousness. A person's energy is a projection of their thoughts and emotions, and we can all feel each other's subtle, and not so subtle, energetic messages. Learning to manage these connections are paramount to continued health, wealth and peace of mind.
About This Course
These teleseminars explore the energy connecting all people. We all are very attuned to each other, whether we realize it or not, and can even pick up and start to emulate each others emotions. We are all much more affected by each other than we realize! If you've ever been in a relationship you knew to be imbalanced, the second part of this course will explore creating healthier connections. This can work to improve relationships with co-workers, bosses, friends, romantic partners, and even family.
About This Course
These teleseminars explore the energy connecting all people. We all are very attuned to each other, whether we realize it or not, and can even pick up and start to emulate each others emotions. We are all much more affected by each other than we realize! If you've ever been in a relationship you knew to be imbalanced, the second part of this course will explore creating healthier connections. This can work to improve relationships with co-workers, bosses, friends, romantic partners, and even family.
Mastering Energetic Connection: The Basics
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Energy Master LEvel 1: The Web of Existence
Energy Master Level 2: High Vibrational Connections
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